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Boldenone 12ml 200mg/ml




Dosage : 250-1000mg per week

Boldenone Undecylenate is classified as an anabolic steroid exhibiting less androgenic activity than its analogue testosterone.
It is a highly anabolic, moderately androgenic steroid. It has a very favorable effect on the organism’s nitrogen balance so that the main effect consists of a distinctly increased protein synthesis in the muscle cell.
Boldenone was actually created while attempting to make a product which would be be a long acting injectable methandienone(D-bol). What was actually created was a product which, in the real world acts nothing like D-bol, despite it’s similarity to it chemically. A simple way to think of Boldenone, chemically at least, is simply as methandienone without the 17-alpha-methyl group (that’s the thing which makes methandienone able to be ingested orally and not be destroyed by your liver). However, having had first hand experience with both Boldenone as well as D-bol, we can tell you that the results from each are vastly different.
To make Boldenone, a double bond was added between carbon atoms 1 and 2 of the Steran Nucleus oftestosterone. What does this mean? Well, first of all, since Boldenone was created by one simple modification in the testosterone molecule, you could rightly suspect that it shares many similarities with it. Boldenone is just as anabolic as testosterone (as you can tell by its anabolic rating above), but only half as androgenic. Those ratings can be quite deceiving though, as I don’t know anyone who would claim that you can gain as much weight on Boldenone as you can gain on an equal amount of testosterone (even though strength gains from the two compounds are very similar).
It’s not very common to compare Boldenone to testosterone; however, a far more common comparison is between Boldenone and nandrolone. I suspect this is because when Dan Duchaine introduced this compound to the steroid using community, he made an immediate comparison to nandrolone, speculating that it would act similarly to nandrolone but like a much stronger version of it. Boldenone doesn’t actually act much like nandrolone at all; nandrolone is actually a progestin and a 19-nor derived steroid whereas Boldenone is more closely related to testosterone (being only one double bond differ rent). Duchaine later rescinded his original statement on Boldenone and said that it was disappointing as a mass builder when compared with nandrolone, but a far better steroid than for both strength gains and vascularity. Unfortunately, the myth that Boldenone action is similar to nandrolone has persisted for nearly 2 decades after he revised his opinion; this is most evident on internet message boards today, where many will advise against including both of them in a cycle because ‘they act the same way’. Well, now You know the truth.
The 1-2 double bond that Boldenone has is responsible for many of its characteristics. First of all, it acts to slow aromatization (conversion into estrogen). The best estimate is that it does so at roughly half the rate of testosterone (1). This is the best number I’ve found in studies. Athletes almost never report estrogenic side effects with Boldenone, even when the dose is up to a gram per week.



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